My nineteen Year Six pupils are working their way through a Happy Hundred reading challenge (aiming to read 100 chapters, which for some is easy-peasy but for others is definitely a challenge.) They've got until the end of the year, but some have already reached one hundred!
For fifteen chapters they get a sticker pack, for thirty they get a chocolate bar, the prize for 45 chapters is a chapter book of their own to keep. What to do for the 75 prize? I almost went to a fat quarter bag but figured the boys would not be quite so thrilled, so decided on pillowcases as I was in Spotlight and they had a lot of sale fabrics to choose from. The 100 prize will be a giant rocky-road cupcake.
My class is two-thirds boys, so I will have to keep an eye out for some more 'boy' fabrics; it's easy to get 'girlie' fabrics, and the girls of course tend to be the more avid readers so most of them have already reached the 75. I've got a bit of time up my sleeve to make some more male-style pillowcases...
I love this Paris fabric! |
And I bought three metres of this birdcage fabric - I can see a bag in the future as well as a quilt backing! |
This 'world' fabric is cool too! |
Hi to everyone visiting from
Lee's Work in Progress Wednesday or
Kelly's Needle and Thread Thursday or
Amanda Jean's Finish It Up Friday!