Sunday, October 30, 2022

In The Garden FPP project

October overview - five big blocks to go!

Sharing some of the blocks I've done so far for Kirsty Lea's (Quiet Play Designs) In The Garden quiltalong - this was started back in January, with two new block patterns released each month.

I chose to create the 15" pattern for the wreath blocks (there was a 12" option too) as I have not done a lot of Foundation Paper Piecing, so didn't want to be handling too many fiddly/tiny pieces.

This is the 'master plan'.

I pulled all the colours from my stash and chose a mixture of solids and prints; the white solid for the background was purchased as I needed quite a few yards and wanted to make sure it would be all the same.

I started off well, managing to get all the lilies done in January, along with the first two blocks, before school started up again. After that I was a bit time-poor (and/or had some other projects that took priority) so have only got back into making the blocks in the last few weeks.

It was only last week that I remembered I had been given a wool pressing mat for my birthday and what a difference it does make to having well-pressed, crisp lines! It is now a permanent fixture on top of the ironing board for sure.

One of the great things about Kirsty Lea's QAL is that each pattern release also included a bonus pattern, so I've also got eight other FPP projects to try out sometime (one of which is a super cute bird).


  1. Beautiful blocks. They do look challenging, but it will be so worth the effort!

    1. Yes, I am deliberately doing the 'easy' looking ones first!
